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ET Playing Now Popup Skins for JRiver Media Center V33 and Higher.
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ET Playing Now Popup Skins

NOTE. The ET Playing Now Popup Skins will only work in MC33 and Higher.

For a trouble-free experience with these skins, you must be using MC 33.0.52 or higher

ET Ultra Playing Now Popup Skins is a family of MC Popup Skins available in 6 variants:- ET Ultra Basic, ET Ultra Control, ET Ultra Slider, ET Ultra Basic 3-Tracks, ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks and ET Ultra Slider 3-Tracks.
ET Ultra Basic, ET Ultra Control and ET Ultra Slider display the Coverart and Field Metadata (content) for the current track
ET Ultra Basic 3-Tracks, ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks and ET Ultra Slider 3-Tracks display the Coverart and Field Metadata (content) for the Previous Track, the Current Track and the Next Track.
They use a mix of dynamic and customised components:-
Their Background Colour, Text Colour, Rating Stars, and some of the Buttons at the bottom of ET Ultra Control, ET Ultra Slider, ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks and ET Ultra Slider 3-Tracks windows, will match those from the Standard View Skin in use; but the Outer Frame and the Customised Buttons at the bottom of the ET Ultra Control, ET Ultra Slider, ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks and ET Ultra Slider 3-Tracks windows will remain the same regardless of the Standard View Skin being used.
NOTE - They all use the Verdana Font at Fontsizes specified in each Popup Skin not the Font and Fontsize MediaCenter is using.
ET Ultra Control, ET Ultra Slider, ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks and ET Ultra Slider 3-Tracks were designed for use with the Playerbar and MAINFRAME Buttons from the ET Family of Standard View Skins and may distort the Buttons and Volume Slider from other Standard View Skins.
Just like the MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins the ET Ultra Playing Now Popups have "Classical Music" and "Non-Classical Music" display modes.
If the only entry in the Genre Field for a track is Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modernist, Postmodernist or Contemporary they switch into Classical Display Mode
If the Genre Field contains anything else they switch into Non-Classical Display Mode.
In Non-Classical Display Mode the Fields Displayed are - Name, Artist, Album, Genre, Rating
In Classical Display Mode the Fields Displayed are - Work, Movement, Composer, Style, Artist, Name, Album, Genre, Rating

Since the content of some of the fields displayed in both modes may be longer than the Popups can display hovering your mouse over the CoverArt for any track affected will reveal a Tooltip that displays the full content of every field displayed plus some additional information about that track.
ET Ultra Basic, ET Ultra Control and ET Ultra Slider Images.

ET Ultra Basic, ET Ultra Control and ET Ultra Slider on Win in Non-Classical (Left Column) and Classical (Right Column) Display Modes.

ET Ultra Basic

ET Ultra Basic, ET Ultra Control and ET Ultra Slider on Mac in Non-Classical (Left) and Classical (Right) Display Modes.

ET Ultra Basic

ET Ultra Basic 3-Tracks, ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks and ET Ultra Slider 3-Tracks Images.

ET Ultra Basic 3-Tracks on Win (Left Column) and Mac (Right Column)
ET Ultra Basic 3-Tracks

ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks on Win (Left Column) and Mac (Right Column)
ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks

ET Ultra Slider 3-Tracks on Win (Left Column) and Mac (Right Column)
ET Ultra Slider 3-Tracks

What do those buttons at the bottom of the ET Ultra Control, Slider, Control 3-Tracks and Slider 3-Tracks windows do?

Hovering your mouse over each of those buttons will reveal a tooltip that indicates each buttons purpose.

The 4 on the left are the Standard View Skins PlayerBar Previous, Play/Pause, Stop and Next Buttons.

NOTE - Whilst the MC PlayerBar Previous and Next buttons can be used to adjust the Tracks Playback Position Backwards (Previous Button) or Forwards (Next Button) on the Popup the Previous Button will set the Previous Track Playing and the Next Button will set the Next Track playing.
The Tooltips for the Previous, Play (when visible) and Next Buttons display the buttons purpose and the same information the CoverArt Tooltip for that Track would display.

The ones in the middle:-
For the ET Ultra Control and ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks they are customised buttons, that will be the same for every Standard View Skin, the 1st reduces the MC Volume by 5%, the 2nd Mutes/Un-Mutes MC, the 3rd increases the MC Volume by 5%.

For the ET Ultra Slider and ET Ultra 3-Tracks Slider there is a customised Mute/Un-Mute MC Button alongside a representation of the Volume Slider from the Current Standard View Skin.

The 3 on the right:-
The 1st one is the Standard View Skins Topbar "Minimise" Button and is used to Hide/Minimise the Main MC Window.
The 2nd one is a customised Playlist button, it will be the same for every Standard View Skin, clicking on it will reveal a list of the tracks currently in Playing Now; clicking on any of the track in that list will result in the That Track being Played.
The 3rd one is the Standard View Skins Topbar "Maximise" Button and is used to Show/Maximise the Main MC Window.

N.B. The Minimize and Maximise Buttons displayed in the ET Ultra Control, ET Ultra Slider, ET Ultra Control 3-Tracks, and ET Ultra Slider 3-Tracks window will be identical to those displayed in the Topbar of the MC Playing Now window for the Platform MC is running on.