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MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins for JRiver Media Center V32 and Higher.
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Click on the appropriate button below to download a single MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugin.

Or one of these to download both MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins.

Anyone with sufficient knowledge of CSS3, HTML5 and/or JavaScript is allowed to modify/change any of the MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins provided they Change the Name of the Plugin and the Folder containing the Modified/Changed Version.
If you don't change the Plugin and Folder Names installing a TrackInfo Plugin with the same Plugin and/or Folder Name will overwrite your Modified Version.

JRiver Media Center and the MC Logo are trademarks of JRiver, Inc.

MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins for JRiver Media Center.

NOTE. The MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins will only work in MC32 and Higher.

MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins is a family of lightweight trackinfo plugins designed for use with every Standard View Skin:-
MC Ultra which is intended mainly for use with Non-Classical Music and has the Lyrics Page as it's default/initial page.
MCC Ultra which is intended mainly for use with Classical Music and has the Track + Album Info Page as it's default/initial page.

They combine most of the options from CSS Dream, one of MC's oldest trackinfo plugins, with some options and features from the ET Ultimate Series of trackinfo plugins.
They use responsive/flexible columns and rows to display the Album Artwork and Field/Tag Information/Data; the font size adjusts with the Display Panel height whilst the Cover Art size and position adjusts with both its width and height.
They have 2 DropDown Menus, "View..." to allow the user to control what Field/Tag Information/Data is displayed, and "Search for..." to allow the user to obtain relevant info from the Web.
Column 1 is used to display the DropDown Menus, CoverArt and Basic Track Info and Column 2 where the Header and Field/Tag Information/Data for the selected "View..." is displayed.
Field/Tag names and their content are always displayed in full.
The routines/methods used to extract data from the MC Library fields/tags were designed to cope with some of the fields/tags they can display being present on some installations and not on others.
Unlike the 2 MC Tag Windows where the background colour can be used to differentiate between Fields/Tags that can be edited and those that can't, the pages that display Tag Windows Content display a lock symbol for Fields/Tags that can't be edited.

They automatically switch between Classical and Non-Classical display modes when displaying the Basic Track Info in Column 1 and the Track + Album Info in Column 2.
If the only entry in the Genre Field for a track is Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modernist, Postmodernist or Contemporary they switch into Classical Display Mode
If the Genre Field contains anything else they switch into Non-Classical Display Mode.
In Non-Classical Display Mode the Fields Displayed in the Basic Track Info are - Name, Artist, Album, Genre, Rating, Rating10
In Classical Display Mode the Fields Displayed in the Basic Track Info are - Work, Movement, Composer, Style, Artist, Name, Album, Genre, Rating, Rating10

N.B The Rating10 value is only displayed in the Basic Track Info if it is being used.

Thanks to some excellent work by Matt, Bob and Hendrik unlike all existing TrackInfo Plugins, which use hard-coded colour information/values, the MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins get their Back and Text Colour Information/Values from the Skin that is currently loaded/in use.

While MC is playing a selection of tracks and you decide to change skins whilst a Track is Playing when MC starts playing the next track the plugin will "Automatically" switch to using the same Back and Text Colours as the new skin.
Or if you want the "Skin Matching Magic" to happen while the current track is playing all you have to do is Click on the Plugin's Cover Art, it acts as a Button that will refresh/reload the current view.
MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugin Version History.
What's new in the V3.0 MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins:-
There are only 2 variants of the MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins:-
MC Ultra which is intended mainly for use with Non-Classical Music and has the Lyrics Page as it's default/initial page.
MCC Ultra which is intended mainly for use with Classical Music and has the Track + Album Info Page as it's default/initial page.

The column on the left used to display the CoverArt and Basic Track Info is narrower and the one on the right is wider than the same columns in the V2.0 MC Utra TrackInfo Plugins.
To be able to distinguish which variant is currently in use MC Ultra displays the Blue Media Center Logo at the left hand end of it's Menu Bar whilst MCC Ultra displays the Red Media Jukebox Logo.

Both variants include all the "View..." Drop Down Menu Options that were available with MC Ultra IIIC but some of those options only appear on the V3.0 "View..." Drop Down Menu if the relevant MC Field/Tag Exists and has Content (Metadata).

The V3.0 "View..." Drop Down Menu only has a single "Lyrics" option, or does it?
V3.0 MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins have a new JavaScript Function switchLyr() that makes the decision on which of the 3 Lyrics Display Modes it can use to display them.
If the lyrics can fit in a single column that's the way it will display them,
If they would cause an overflow it will display them in 2 columns,
If they would cause an overflow when displaying them in 2 columns it will display them in 3 columns,
If they would cause an overflow when displaying them in 3 columns then the Horizontal Scrollbar will also be present in the display panel,
The lyrics display modes have a trick or two hidden up their sleeves, they Centre the Lyrics Vertically plus the 2 & 3 column modes Evenly Distribute (Balance) the lyrics between the columns when they can be fitted into 2 or 3 columns. If the amount of lyrics in "3 Column Display Mode" cause an overflow and the horizontal scrollbar appears on the screen the lyrics will not be centred vertically or balanced instead every column required to display those lyrics will get filled from top to bottom until it runs out of lyrics to display.
In V3.0 MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins if the current track does not have any lyrics then "This Track Does Not Have Any Lyrics !!!" will be displayed centred vertically in a single column.
Their final trick happens when the display panel is resized, i.e. when it is made taller/shorter by moving the splitter bar up/down or when switching from Playing Now to Display View, this will trigger another new JavaScript Function redrawLyr() which will redraw the Lyrics Page using the new display panel size to determine which Lyrics Display Mode should be used.

The contents of the relevant tags/fields for the Artists Biography, Comments, Composers Biography, Lyrics and Notes pages are displayed vertically centered.
The routine/test used to determine if a field/tag exists and has content has been modified which now means that both Tag Window Pages can display the contents of the Artists Biography, Comment, Composers Biography, Lyrics and Notes fields/tags in full if the relevant field/tag exists.

When the content of the Rating and Rating10 fields/tags are displayed as Images (Basic Track Info, Track + Album Info Page and Modern Tag Window Page) the images used will only display the Number of Stars assigned to that field/tag. For a track that has not been given a Rating an image containing a single bar is used, for a track that has been assigned Rating or Rating10 value of 3 an image containing 3 Stars is used. However since the Rating10 field/tag, unlike the Rating field/tag, can be empty if a Track has not been assigned a Rating1O Value it is only displayed in the Basic Track Info and Track + Album Info Page if it has been assigned a Value. On the Modern Tag Window Page a Transparent (Empty) image is used if when the Rating10 field/tag is empty. The Older MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins used 17 Images for the Rating an Rating10 values, the V3.0 MC Ultra Ultra TrackInfo Plugins use 12.

Setting of the Responsive Font Size and the Heights of Columns 1 & 2 now use CSS (calc) instructions, all 3 now smoothly grow/shrink when the MC Display Panel is made taller/shorter without having to use additional code to control their sizes.

What was new in the V2.0 MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins:-
The Basic TrackInfo, Album + Track Info and Tags panels were restructured to make them more Classical Music Friendly,
There were 4 new variants - MC Ultra IV, IIC, IIIC and IVC,
They could be split into 2 groups -
The Popular Music Friendly group with Lyrics in 2 Columns with Horizontal Scrollbar as the default "View..." - MC Ultra, MC Ultra II, MC Ultra III & MC Ultra IV
The Classical Music Friendly group with Track + Album Info as the default "View..." - MC Ultra IIC, MC Ultra IIIC, MC Ultra IVC
The "View..." DropDown Menu.

Both variants have the following Options on their "View..." Drop Down Menu:-

Artists Biography - MC Field/Tag Name - Biography *
Comments - MC Field/Tag Name - Comment *
Composers Biography - MC Field/Tag Name - Composers Biography *
Lyrics - MC Field/Tag Name - Lyrics **
Notes - MC Field/Tag Name - Notes *
Legacy Tag Window - Alphabetic List Of All Tags
Modern Tag Window - All Tags
Track + Album Info

* These Options only appear on either "View..." Menu if the associated MC Field/Tag Exists and has Content (Metadata)
** The Lyrics Option will always appear on the MC Ultra "View..." Menu but will only appear on the MCC Ultra "View..." Menu if the Lyrics Field/Tag has Content (Metadata)

If you don't already have a Biography field/tag in your MC Library and wish to implement one then, since it is normally used to hold the "Artists Biography", I recommend that you set it up with an Edit Type of String, Relational store one value for each artist and an Edit Type of Large Value.

If you don't already have a Composers Biography field/tag in your MC Library and wish to implement one I recommend that you set it up with an Edit Type of String, Relational store one value for each composer and an Edit Type of Large Value.

The "Search for..." DropDown Menu
The "Search for..." DropDown Menu provides the same 11 Options in both variants:-
Info about Artist on Wiki
Info about Album on Wiki
Info about Track on Wiki
Info about Composer on Wiki

Artist Images on Google
Artist Images on DuckDuckGo
Album Art on Google
Album Art on DuckDuckGo
Composer Images on Google
Composer Images on DuckDuckGo

Lookup Lyrics on Google

All of which open a New Browser-Engine Page outside of MC