Both variants have the following Options on their "View..." Drop Down Menu:-
Artists Biography - MC Field/Tag Name - Biography *
Comments - MC Field/Tag Name - Comment *
Composers Biography - MC Field/Tag Name - Composers Biography *
Lyrics - MC Field/Tag Name - Lyrics **
Notes - MC Field/Tag Name - Notes *
Legacy Tag Window - Alphabetic List Of All Tags
Modern Tag Window - All Tags
Track + Album Info
* These Options only appear on either "View..." Menu if the associated MC Field/Tag Exists and has Content (Metadata)
** The Lyrics Option will always appear on the MC Ultra "View..." Menu but will only appear on the MCC Ultra "View..." Menu if the Lyrics Field/Tag has Content (Metadata)
If you don't already have a Biography field/tag in your MC Library and wish to implement one then, since it is normally used to hold the "Artists Biography", I recommend that you set it up with an Edit Type of String, Relational store one value for each artist and an Edit Type of Large Value.
If you don't already have a Composers Biography field/tag in your MC Library and wish to implement one I recommend that you set it up with an Edit Type of String, Relational store one value for each composer and an Edit Type of Large Value.