Camelot MC Logo
EnglishTiger's TrackInfo Plugins, Standard View and Playing Now Popup Skins for JRiver Media Center.
Site Navigation:-
The Horizontal Navigation Bar allows you to move from Section/Topic to Section/Topic

The Vertical Navigation Bar, that will appear in this panel on some pages, allows you to Move around in that Section/Topic.

The panel on the right uses Accordion Panels to keep the scrolling/page length down.
When you arrive on each page the 1st panel will be open to allow you to read/view its content, to move from Panel to Panel you simply click on the Black Header Bar of the panel you want to read/view.

JRiver Media Center and the MC Logo are trademarks of JRiver, Inc.

1st January 2025 -
The Horizontal Navigation Bar has been reorganised and extended:-
The ET Ultimate TrackInfo Plugins have been replaced by the thing that made them obsolete - The MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins.
There are 2 New Sections/Topics on it - ET Playing Now Popup Skins and ET Guides.

At present there is only one ET Guide available "The ET Classical Music Tagging Method"
But the intention is to add an ET Guide to Creating Standard View Skins plus one covering Creating Playing Now Plugins.

Welcome to Camelot the home of EnglishTiger's TrackInfo Plugins, Standard View and Playing Now Popup Skins for JRiver Media Center.
As someone who spent most of their working life Designing, Specifying and Programming/Scripting numerous Software Packages, I've always strived to be Innovative. Why follow an Existing Trend when you can become a Trendsetter?

Over the years some of the ways MediaCenter presents data, mainly tag/field content (metadata), to the user I've come to Love and unfortunately some I've come to hate:-
I've always liked the way the Tag Windows gives the user easy access to the Database/File Tags and Fields but came to find that only being able to access them in Standard View too restrictive.
One of the things I came to hate was the total lack of TrackInfo Plugins that presented Classical Music Fans with the Additional Data/Information required to identify the Track they were listening to.
I've hated the inconsistent way MediaCenter presents Lyrics from the day it was introduced.

It didn't take me long to work out that the best way of overcoming those dislikes/restrictions would be to Design and Code my own TrackInfo Plugins that:-
Made the fullest possible use of the Display Panel.
Presented the user with more data/information than any other available plugin,
Presented the Lyrics in a better and more consistent way,
Gave the user the ability to view a Tag Window Look-Alike in Standard, Cover, Display and Theater View,
Satisfied the requirements of Classical and Non-Classical Music Fans,
Had to be as Light/Small/Efficient as possible to prevent Load and Page Change times having a detrimental effect on the Users Experience,
Be responsive/flexible so that every part of every page could automatically adjust to the multitude of the different sized Display Panels available in Standard, Cover, Display and Theater View,
The Tag Window Look-Alike, and every where else tags were displayed, had to display the full tag/field name and all of its content,
Unlike most existing plugins the Design had to be flexible enough to allow individual variants of the plugins use the same colour scheme as the Skin it is being used with,
The files the plugins use had to be User Friendly to make it easier for individual users to customise them.

Since MediaCenter is constantly evolving so have my TrackInfo Plugins.
The earlier ET Ultimate Family of TrackInfo Plugins added more options, features and variants in every new version.
But thanks to some amazing work by the JRiver Development Team TrackIfno Plugins MC 32 gave TrackInfo Plugins the ability to get the Text and Background Colours the Current Standard View Skin's List Section
Which made the ET Ultimate Family Obsolete and they were replaced with the MC Ultra Family of TrackInfo Plugins which.
Because the original version of the MC Ultra TrackInfo Plugins were not as Classical Music Friendly as I would have prefered they were upgraded and new variants were added.
Version 3.0 sees the introduction of even more Innovation that you can read about in the TrackInfo Plugins Pages.

I've also been Innovative with my Standard View Skins:-
The Arrowheads and Bars on the Previous, Play/Resume and Next Buttons are Blue.
The Bars on the Pause Button are Red.
The White Square inside a Red Square used on the Stop Button I borrowed from the MC Stop after Current File icon/image.
The Image on the Volume Mute Button is Orange when its Off and Red when its On.
The Images on the Repeat and Shuffle Buttons are Red when they are Off and Blue when they are On.
The DSP Button uses a Blue Cog-Wheel on the Button Background Colour for the Skin being used,
But The DSP Direct Button uses a Skin Text Colour Cog-Wheel on a Blue Background to make the difference between the 2 states more obvious
Each new version would introduce every feature/enhancement that added new buttons or gave the Skin Creator more control of the MC Skinning Engine.
The XML files the skins use had to be User Friendly to make it easier for individual users to customise them.

And with my Playing Now Popup Skins:-
Not only are they designed to satisfy some of the requirements of Classical Music Fans.
They use similar logic to that used in the MC Ultra Track Info Plugins to switch between Classical and Non-Classical Music Display Modes.

Files available for Download.

On pages that allow you to Download a Skin or TrackInfo Plugin you will see a list of options/buttons in the Left Panel that allow you to download an Individual Skin or Plugin listed on that page as *.mjp or *.zip files.

The pages that allow you to Download a Playing Now Pop Skin or TrackInfo Plugin also allow you to download All the Playing Now Pop Skins or TrackInfo Plugins listed on that page as a Bundle.

What are Bundles?
Bundles make use of a change made in MC30.0.47 that allows an *.mjp file to be used that will install every Skin or Plugin in the Bundle,

*.mjp files are used as Triggers for the MC Package Installer
Once they are downloaded you simply Run/Open them to install the relevant Skin, TrackInfo Plugin or Bundle.

*.zip files are Compressed Folders/Files that have to be Extracted/Unpacked to make them usable
Once they are downloaded you have to Extract/Unpack the Folders/Files they contain.

*.zip files are mainly used when the user wants/has to install a Skin or TrackInfo Plugin Manually,
or by Users who want to Modify/Customise the Skin/Plugin before installing it,
or by Users who have Modified/Customised a Previous Version and want to make those changes to the new version before installing it.

To Manually Install a Skin or TrackInfo Plugin you copy the folder containing the files for the Skin or TrackInfo Plugin to the:-
J River/Media Center nn/Skins/Standard View Folder (for Standard View Skins)
J River/Media Center nn/Skins/Playing Now Popup Folder (for Playing Now Popup Skins)
J River/Media Center nn/Visulisations/Track Info Folder (for TrackInfo Plugins)
where nn is the Version# of the copy of MC you have installed.

The options/buttons in the Left Panel of the ET Guides pages allow you to download an Individual Guide as a *.pdf file or, when appropiate, act as a link to appropiate pages/topics on the JRiver Wikipedia.

All the software (TrackInfo Plugins and Standard View Skins) on this site is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.
In no event shall the contributors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings with the software.

Anyone with sufficient knowledge of CSS, HTML and JavaScript (TrackInfo Plugins) and or XML (Skins) is allowed to modify/change any ET Software they have Downloaded Provided that:-
The Original Copyright Notice is retained,
The ET Prefix is removed from the Software's Name,
However, they are only allowed to Distribute any Modified Versions/Variants after having provided me with a copy of that Software for Approval and Obtained Written Permission from Me.

This collection of TrackInfo Plugins and Standard View Skins only exists thanks to some important help/contributions from the following:-
Jim Hillegass (JimH) - who gave permission for the "MC Logo" and "JRiver Media Center" phrase/name to be used on this site,
Matt Ashland (Matt) - for the necessary changes made to the Media Center Software, especially the Skinning Engine, that has made it all possible,
Robert Brose (Bob) - for testing the Plugins and Skins on the Linux platform and helping me to understand/overcome some of the Mac platforms peculiarities,
Wer - for his help/contributions that made it possible for me to develop the 1st TrackInfo Plugins better suited for use with Classical Music,
HPBME - for his help/contributions that made it possible for me to create TrackInfo Plugins for use with his "Dream in Blue" Skin,
Marko - for his help/contributions that made it possible for me to create TrackInfo Plugins for all his Arctic Winter, Black and Blue, iCopy 9, Knit-Knots, Seamless and The Fly Skins
Zybex - for his help in making it possible to Download the MJP Files the PackageInstaller Uses
My Grand-Daughter - for her countless ideas, suggestions and hours spent testing this little lot.